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PS4 Jailbreak 5.03 Free Download

PS4 Jailbreak 5.03 Free Download

PS4 Jailbreak: Official tools and news for PS4 Jailbreak, latest 2018 updates directly from the PS4 hacking scene. You just got yourself a new PS4, and are looking for a PS4 Jailbreak / PS4 Custom Firmware solution? Then bookmark this page, as it will be kept up to date with the latest, greatest, and simplest solutions available for Playstation 4 CFW.

New Year 2018 Coming and Everyone enjoying holidays while going outside or playing games , for PlayStation 4 User good news now you can jailbreak your PS4 new UPDATE 5.03 with very easy steps. Our team working hardly since last 6 months to make this software which will help you get Jailbreak PS4.
Our Latest Jailbreak Software For PS4 ( Don't Download Our Software old Version)

PS4 Jailbreak Steps :

There are two ways for using PS4 Jailbreak Update 5.03.

1- Download PS4 5.03 Jailbreak PS4UPDAT.PUP File Win - Mac

Steps and Instructions
Step 1: Plug a USB stick into your computer.
Step 2: Create a folder in the root of the USB stick called "PS4".
Step 3: Create a folder inside the PS4 folder called "UPDATE".
Step 4: Download PS4 CFW 5.03 Updated.
Step 5: Write your PS4 Model Number on USB. Download PS4UPDATE.PUP file which will be downloaded on your desktop.
Step 6: Move "PS4UPDATE.PUP" to the directory "UPDATE" that you just created on the USB stick.
Step 7: Plug the USB stick into the PS4.
Step 8: Navigate to Settings Tab.
Step 9: Choose System Update.
Step 10: Choose Update via storage Media.
Step 11: It will say it found Version 5.03 Jailbreak.
Step 12: Choose OK.
Step 13: Accept Conditions and install update.
Step 14: After less than a minute, Your PS4 will update, beep 4 times then shut down.
Step 15: Power up your PS4 (You will have to do it on the console and not by the controller).
Step 16: Your PS4 is now jailbroken. Enjoy and share this website.
2- Download Jailbreak Software which allow you to generate any CFW or you can Downgrade any CFW.
Steps and Instructions
Step 1: Download the PS4 Jailbreak Tool For Windows and Mac
Server 1:

Server 2:

Server 3:
Step 2: Select your Region from International Menu bar and Make your sure you have latest version of tool.
Step 3: Select your PS4 model and after that click Select Version Tap and select the version which you want to jailbreak OR downgrade.
Step 4: Press Generate PS4UPDATE.PUP button.
Step 5: Wait for the download to complete. Make sure your internet connection not discount while downloading.

Jailbreak your PS4 NOW

You will need a USB flash drive with at least 1GB of free space (the update is around 900MB).
Step 1: Get the 5.03 PS4 Jailbreak Update
Download the PS4UPDATE.PUP .
Step 2: Create Folders on the Flash Drive
Plug your flash drive into your PC and make a folder called PS4. Inside that, create a folder titled UPDATE.
These folders must be capitalized.
Step 3: Drag the PS4 Update Over
Drag your update file (PS4UPDATE.PUP) and save it in the UPDATE folder you created on the flash drive. Then safely eject your thumb drive.
Step 4: Plug the Flash Drive into the PS4
Insert your USB flash drive with the 5.03 jailbreak update on it into your PS4′s USB port.
Step 5: Go to System software Update
Then go over and select Update from USB storage device.
STEP 6: It will say it found Version 5.03 Jailbreak press Next
STEP 7: Now select accept
STEP 8: Wait few minutes for install
STEP 9: Now your PS4 is Jailbreaken !
Another method
STEP 1: Enter Safe Mode Once the PlayStation 4 is off, press and hold the power button. Release it after you’ve heard two beeps: one when you initially press, and another 7 seconds later.
Connect the DualShock 4 controller with the provided USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.
STEP 2: Go to Update system version
STEP 3: Select Update via USB storage
STEP4: Press Ok and wait to install.
If you have any questions or suggestion please leave a comment!