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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

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How to play video files on your Playstation 4

Italian developers BiteYourConsole have created a new mod called BiteYourPlayer v1.0 Beta which allows you to play video files on your Playstation 4 using its web browser and the power of HTML 5.


The new PlayStation 4 is equipped with a web browser from all over, maybe one of the fastest on a console from the living room, and so that BiteYourConsole jumped at the potential offered by a language such as HTML5.

With a speech of this magnitude we were able to make a simple but potential movie player in mp4 format (format commonly used for watching movies via smartphone and PlayStation Portable).

To run the application needs a Http Server, we have chosen HTTP File Server (HFS) that once started will allow us to be able to watch our video from any device connected to our Wi-Fi network.



Download the portable version of the HFS program, run it and drag the contents of the file into the window Biteyourplayer.rar Virtual File System.

To be able to watch a movie on the PlayStation 4 via the Web browser does not have to do is drag the movie to the video folder, the files will have the mp4 format and must be renamed to PS4.

After the configuration, there is nothing left to start the server and log on with the IP of your console through the browser (eg / index.html).

Thanks to $n!PR for the idea and Michael Varaquez for having edited the html code.

Download: BiteYourPlayer